In this clip, you will see a brief introduction to IPÖ.
What is IPÖ?
What is IPÖ?
The Individual Patient Overview (IPÖ) in cancer care is an IT system that collects and visualizes essential data about each patient's treatment and care. It compiles information such as medical history, current status, lab results, examinations, treatments, side effects, symptoms, and quality of life.
IPÖ supports clinical decision-making, promotes equitable care, and aids in research and healthcare development. Built on the INCA platform, it integrates with national quality registries for cancer, ensuring comprehensive and standardized data management.
Understanding the purpose
The Individual Patient Overview (IPÖ) provides healthcare professionals with a quick summary of a patient's history and current condition, enhancing communication and patient involvement in their care. It allows faster access to specific patient information compared to electronic records.
IPÖ also includes patient-reported outcomes (PROM) on well-being and quality of life. The structured data supports the development of care strategies, research, and promotes equitable healthcare.
This clip explains the knowledge tools Individual Patient Overview (IPÖ) and My Care Plan, highlighting their differences and how they complement each other.
This image is a screenshot of the official demo-version of IPÖ 1.0 for breastcancer.
IPÖ 1.0 Today
The Individual Patient Overview (IPÖ) offers essential functions such as tracking patient contacts, treatments, lab results, imaging, and pathology reports. It visualizes patient data over time, providing a clear timeline for clinical decisions. IPÖ’s functionality varies by diagnosis, tailoring information to specific cancers like breast cancer, as shown in the image. IPÖ works currently with 8 specific cancer - diagnosis.
For instance, treatment regimens, symptom tracking, and patient-reported outcomes (PROM) are diagnosis-specific, ensuring relevant and comprehensive care management. This structured overview enhances both clinical efficiency and patient engagement.
IPÖ 2.0
Assignment goals
A unified solution for cancer care
Key objectives
IPÖ 2.0 will provide a consistent, flexible platform usable across all cancer diagnoses, addressing the needs of both clinicians and patients currently without access to an IPÖ system.
Modular Framework
IPÖ 2.0 is built on a common framework of modules, tabs, and variables. This standardized approach offers flexibility while maintaining consistency in functionality and user experience.
Clinician & Patient Focused
Designed to be implemented across all clinics, IPÖ 2.0 ensures every cancer patient benefits from an individualized overview of their care and treatment journey.
Core goal features
Establishes a common framework of customizable modules and variables, allowing flexible adaptation across different diagnoses.
Designed to function independently of diagnosis. The platform can be used by all clinics and offered to all cancer patients, ensuring broad accessibility.
Streamlined workflows with unified views and interfaces. Provides consistent navigation and a cohesive experience for both healthcare professionals and patients.
Integrates the best features from existing IPÖ systems. Promotes continuous improvement and innovation in cancer care.
Design approach and journey
Hover on the circles around the diamond to see the different phases of the process
Established and maintained contact with a project connected professor in interaction design, we discussed opportunities, constraints, and received valuable advice for my concepts and strategies to approach the project.
Finished designing the prototype's main structure in our focus-pages
Meetings with product owner, project manager, developers, diagnosis coordinators and UX-team at INCA. Valuable insights into existing system's functionality, user behaviour and current design approaches.
Access to essential material, graphic manual, variable lists, other technical documentation
Established and maintained contact with a lead developer for IPÖ, discussions about technical functionalities and specifications.
Mapped out user personas and created user journeys based on different user profiles.
Conducted a heuristic evaluation of the entire system and identified several areas for improvement, which I later discussed with my manager and the diagnosis coordinators
Sketching wireframes by hand, iterating on these for several days with feedback from managers and coordinators.
Design digital sketches and more hi-fi wireframes in Figma and continued iterating based on feedback.
Introduced a scrum-system with a kanban board after on-boarding a new colleague. This structured approach allowe us to work more smoothly and effectively.
Deliverable MVP
Variables from example registers and lists are being incorporated via forms and variants in Figma to simulate an interactive system. This is the current phase we're working on
Iteration phase, we collect and evaluate the feedback from the testing phase and enhance the prototype
Familiarized myself with the system and project by testing the demo version of IPÖ personally. Conducted a competitive analysis and industry benchmarking, drawing inspiration from and testing similar services.
Prototype user testing phases, this is the next step in our process. Different tests are being prepared, variate scenarios depending on the persona of the user, purpose and focus of the test
Foundations and problem-solving
Hover on the icons to read more
We began creating the foundational structures in Figma for all the pages requested by our manager. However, during the process, we realized that some pages did not logically fit into our intended workflow. After several meetings and iterations, we all agreed to prioritize certain pages that aligned with the new flow and postpone the less fitting ones to a later iteration. However, we consciously included some of these pages to explore potential interest and feedback from our tests. We have encountered, and continue to encounter, some challenges related to the workflow and content.
Structural foundations
The IPÖ-system is highly variable-intensive and requires significant logic to function as expected and efficiently. Our goal is to deliver a more streamlined product that reduces cognitive load for the user compared to the current service. This consideration frequently influences our design decisions, along with users' learned habits and behaviors from the previous system. Thanks to the ongoing contact with our competent and helpful diagnosis coordinators, we receive direct feedback on these aspects. However, we sometimes need to filter this feedback, keeping in mind that we are the UX experts.
Simplified complexity
With variable-heavy prototypes that focus heavily on content, our UI-focus can sometimes be overlooked. We dedicate substantial attention to the content, structure, and interactions involving all variables, lists, and the different pathways within the system. Because of this, we have implemented a practice of dedicating at least one specific day each week exclusively to UI design, which we refer to as "UI-Day."